I suggest solutions based on proven and reliable models,
systems and tools which bring specific results.

When integrated, they make up a cohesive model: from the recognition
of organisation’s potential, to the focus on its main goals, implementation
of strategical projects, development of appropriate competence
of employees and effective change management, to the effectiveness

Thanks to the professional experience and acquired knowledge, I can provide
services adapted to the profile of business customer, public administration or
business support organisation.

1. Analysing an organisation's potential


The awareness of strengths and weaknesses of an organisation facilitates
the conscious development planning as desired. The correct diagnosis is
vital if one wants to employ appropriate tools, reduces the time and cost
of introducing changes.


I analyse the organisation culture, structure, processes and communication.
I examine the strategy, styles of leadership and management. I make diagnoses
of employees’ potential, their behaviour styles and team roles. I also define
development needs.


I create development action plan, focusing on developing the potential of
strengths of organisations, teams and employees.

2. Management by objectives


Concentrating the action on defined strategic objectives increases the organisation’s effectiveness, accelerates goal achievement and helps avoid losses. Cascading goals enhances the commitment and motivation of employees, facilitates objective assessment and lifts the burden off the management board.


I support my clients in identifying and mapping their strategic objectives. I conduct workshops on defining goals and performance indicators and cascading them at the level of teams and employees. I design performance and progress monitoring systems. I work out the rules and techniques of goal communication.


I design the model of management by objectives. I focus on the development of inter-team cooperation, boosting the commitment of employees, and generating financial results.

3. Project management


Implementation of a project approach speeds up the achievement of results and improves effectiveness. It increases the satisfaction of customers who obtain products and services meeting their expectations, delivered on time and within the planned budget. Project management facilitates the introduction of changes and threat responses. It develops managers and teams.


I develop the rules of initiating and planning projects, setting objectives, activities, and budgets. I design structures of project teams. I define processes, tools, roles and responsibilities. I conduct workshops on project management. I analyse project maturity of organisations. I offer my support in building Project Management Offices. I work as an interim manager on projects and programmes.


I design project management system. I focus on achieving results, generating added value and developing project teams.

4. Competency-based management


Competency-based management facilitates planning of employees’ development
and its connection with organisation strategy. It makes employee recruitment
more efficient. It enhances the effectiveness and reduces the cost of training
policy. The objective criteria of assessment and clear career paths increase
employees’ motivation.


I support the development of competencies maps for organisations and defining
a dictionary of competencies. I conduct workshops on HR processes and tools
standardisation. I moderate the creation of a training policy and development


A competence model which constitutes the basis of strategic human resources
management in organisation. I concentrate on talent management programs
and developing effective HR standards.

5. Change management


Conscious and intended change management reduces the cost and time of implementing innovations. It minimises the negative influence on the results for customers. It facilitates the employees to accommodate to new conditions. It increases the likelihood of success and change persistence.


I design plans of change management for programmes and projects.
I conduct workshops on formulating the change vision, defining its goals and implementation programmes.
I create communication plans and devices supporting the agreement between board, managers and employees. I design risk management plans.


I build change management plan adjusted to organisation culture. I pay attention to durability and effectiveness of implementation and to building employees’ commitment.

6. Effectiveness assessment and evaluation


Measuring the effectiveness of trainings and development activities
lets one objectively assess the results as well as provides reliable
management information. It increases the effectiveness of training
policy, reduces the costs by focusing on effective activities
and facilitates management of suppliers.


I design effectiveness assessment plans adjusted to the goals
of development projects. I analyse the satisfaction of participants,
change in knowledge and skill levels. I analyse project results
and its influence on organisations. I measure the return on investment
in training and development activities. I conduct workshops on planning
and conducting effectiveness assessment.


I verify the effectiveness of training and development projects.
I focus on results for the sponsor and the participants, as well
as on the investment benefits.

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